

The story of “Wild Bill” Hickok and his road to redemption, “Hickok” finds the infamous, hard-drinking outlaw in 1870’s Abilene, seeking to start a new life. Captivated by Wild Bill’s unparalleled gun skills, the mayor ropes him in as the town marshal. Recognizing the need to clamp down on the wildest cow-town in the west, Hickok soon finds himself at the center of a controversial ordinance while dispensing his own brand of frontier justice. His attempts to protect Abilene, however, are quickly challenged by a band of outlaws led by powerful saloon owner, Phil Poe. And when Poe places a bounty on Wild Bill’s head, the marshal, with the help of outlaw turned lawman John Wesley Hardin, makes a stand for Abilene and his new life, while putting his reputation as the fastest draw in the west on the line.

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