

In this audaciously kinky, meta-comedic thriller, a lonely father with a secret taste for S&M (Nao Ohmori, best known for his titular turn in Takashi Miike's Ichi the Killer) hires a boutique dominatrix agency that specializes in guerilla acts of public degradation.

Although the rough treatment and humiliation Takafumi Katayama receives from these leather-clad women––in cafés and on the street––drives him to ecstatic pleasure, he soon finds himself over his head during a surprise house call by one of the mistresses. After a freak and fatal accident, Takafumi is forced into action with a slew of vengeful dominatrices chasing him down. With the help of his son, he'll have to devise a plan to take on the relentless femmes fatales, who each possess a unique S&M talent by which to exact painful revenge.

R100—the title a riff on the Japanese movie rating system, whose equivalent to NC-17 is R18—is directed by Hitoshi Matsumoto (Big Man Japan, Symbol), one of Japan's most preeminent and beloved comedic talents.

Trailer No.1 480p 720p 1080p Moviefone
Trailer 480p 720p 1080p Vimeo
Trailer 480p 720p 1080p Apple
Trailer Old 1 480p 720p 1080p Apple