“Battle” is a coming of age drama about an unknown producer JACKSON “JACK DA RIPPA” WAYE who pursues his passion for composing music. He wants to produce music for the top rappers in the industry and be respected as a producer worldwide. His fast-talking manager and best friend JABORI tries to help him get ahead despite Rippa’s often-temperamental attitude. He introduces Rippa to strong-willed student filmmaker MONIQUE who wants Rippa to appear in her Hip-Hop documentary. However, this too is met with resistance from Rippa. Also standing in Rippa’s way of winning the annual ICBB competition so he can get out of financial ruins is MAESTRO the city’s top rated underground beat maker, who seems to best Rippa at every competitive event. Rippa must find his way and his own soul to his creations before the two titans face off at the Iron Chef Beat Battle competition. 16 talented contestants compete but only one can be left standing at the end of this explosive producers “Battle”. “Battle” blends the mood, vigor, and themes of “8 MILE” with the perseverance and edge of HUSTLE & FLOW” with the old school vibe of “JUICE”