Set against the picturesque backdrop of the Island of Ischia, off the Amalfi Coast, 'And While We Were Here' follows a young American writer named Jane (Kate Bosworth) who finds herself at a personal and professional crossroads when she accompanies her husband Leonard (Iddo Goldberg) on a business trip. While escaping the mundanity of her comfortable marriage by delving deeper into adapting her grandmother's WWII stories (narrated by Claire Bloom) into a memoir she stumbles into a romantic affair with a younger man (Jamie Blackley) who complicates her life even further.Inspired by a set of audio-tapes she made of her own late grandmother, the film was written and directed by Kat Coiro, who previously collaborated with Bosworth on the comedy L!FE HAPPENS.
Theatrical Trailer | 480p | 720p | 1080p | |
Trailer No. 1 | 480p | 720p | ||
Trailer Mirror | 480p | 720p | 1080p | |
Trailer | 480p | 720p | 1080p |